KOUNSEL | 1 on 1 Mentorship And Career Coaching Program
Do you ever ask why?
Why did you take up Engineering? Why did you enroll in CA classes? Why is a career appealing to you? Will everything be sorted once you get an MBA degree? Have you spent all energy on speed without looking at the direction? Are you so focussed on short term goals that you cannot see the big picture? We can help you answer these questions and explore your future.
Or maybe you have it all figured out. But it may be valuable to work on specific aspects of your profile that will help you be the best version of your professional self.
When was the last time you invested in yourself?
At InsideIIM & Kampus App, we work with high achievers and accomplished professionals. You may have seen tens of our Konversations Cafe videos with them across our platforms. They have spent years in the industry working with top companies or have created organizations of their own. They hail from top universities and business schools. A lot of our users wanted 1-on-1 time with them. Here you go!
On popular demand, we are launching our personalized online career coaching and mentorship program - Kounsel.
Get a unique chance to discuss your aspirations and career goals with these professionals. Book a 3 Session or a 5 Session plan with them now. Please note that this program is not free of cost.
Program Details & Application Form
Due to the limited number of seats, to begin with, you need to fill out this application form. We will screen it and get back to you with whether we can induct you in the program. Please note that we will only accept applicants who we believe we will be able to help and improve. The mentors will have the final say on whether they will accept your candidature. Please take the time to answer these questions. Your responses are important for us to gauge your interest level and also for us to decide whether we can help you. While you may wish to fill out the Application Form as per your wish, here are a few guidelines for you:
1) If you’re not sure about your strength, mention the same. It’s okay - most people aren’t till they have enough experience.
2) Your biggest aspiration can be both on a professional or a personal one. It’ll help us gauge you if we know what drives you in your day-to-day work.
3) The issues, goals, or questions can be aligned with your aspirations, your professional life, or even a personal one. It can range from profile building to career switching to anything under the sun.
4) Please mention the outcome of the program you have in mind to help us understand whether the program will be able to help you or not.
For your easy understanding, please refer to the user-step process:
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